The Metropolitan Museum is remarkable in scope and size, along with a customer for this world-famous museum should intend on remaining all day every day. In formation since 1870, the Metropolitan Museum’s collection now contains greater than three million pieces of art all points from the compass, ancient through modern occasions. Online, about 3,500 objects—fifty highlights from each one of the Museum’s curatorial departments along with the entire department of European Paintings—can be looked by artist, period, style, or keyword.
Following is a summary of the permanent exhibitions.
American Decorative Arts
Furniture, silver, pewter, glass, ceramics, and textiles in the late 17th to early twentieth century, in addition to domestic architecture in furnished period rooms
American Works of art and Sculpture
Portraits, landscapes, history works of art, still lifes, folk art, and sculpture from colonial occasions with the early twentieth century
Ancient Near Eastern Art
Stone reliefs and sculpture, ivory, and objects of rare metal from the vast area and time period: Anatolia towards the Indus Valley, Neolithic period (ca. 8000 B.C.E.) towards the Arab conquest (seventh century C.E.)
Arms and Armor
Armor for males, horses, and kids, weapons, and martial accoutrements of sculptural and decorative beauty from Europe, Asia, the center East, and America
Arts of Africa, Oceania, and also the Americas
Ritual objects and monuments, articles of private adornment, and utensils for daily existence from three continents and a large number of Off-shore islands, 2500 B.C.E. to the current
Asian Art
Works of art, calligraphy, prints, sculpture, ceramics, bronzes, jades, lacquer, textiles, and screens from ancient to modern China, Japan, Korea, and South and Southeast Asia
The Cloisters
Art and architecture of medieval Europe, including sculpture, illuminated manuscripts, stained glass, metalwork, enamels, ivories, works of art, and tapestries (see also "Medieval Art")
The Costume Institute
Seven centuries and five continents of fashionable dress, regional costumes, and accessories for males, women, and kids, to the present
Sketches and Prints
Graphic art from the Renaissance after, encompassing prints in most techniques, sketches to highly finished sketches, highlighted books, along with other creates paper
Egyptian Art
Statuary, reliefs, stelae, funerary objects, jewellery, daily implements, and architecture from prehistoric Egypt with the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms towards the Roman period (fourth century C.E.)
European Works of art
Major canvases, panels, triptychs, and frescoes by Italian, Flemish, Nederlander, French, Spanish, and British masters, in the twelfth with the 1800s
European Sculpture and ornamental Arts
Sculpture, furniture, ceramics and glass, metalwork, scientific instruments, textiles, and period rooms from the major European countries in the Renaissance with the early twentieth century
Greek and Roman Art
Arts of A holiday in greece, Rome, Etruria, Cyprus, and Greek and Roman settlements before the fourth century C.E., including marble, bronze, and terracotta sculpture, vases, wall works of art, jewellery, gems, glass, and utilitarian objects
Islamic Art
Manuscripts and miniatures, carpets, intricately decorated objects in lots of media, and architectural components from the founding of Islam within the seventh century C.E. forward, from The other agents to India
The Robert Lehman Collection
A personal assortment of works of art, sketches, and ornamental arts provided to the Museum, wealthy in works in the Italian and Northern Renaissance with the twentieth century
The Libraries
Rare first editions, artists’ treatises and manuals, highlighted atlases, scrapbooks, fine bindings, and seminal pieces of art history in the Museum’s research libraries
Medieval Art
Early European, Byzantine, Carolingian, Romanesque, and Medieval works in the fourth to 16th century, including sculpture, tapestries, reliquaries, liturgical vessels, and much more (see also "The Cloisters")
Modern Art
American and European works of art, creates paper, sculpture, design, and architecture representing the main artistic movements since 1900
An worldwide variety of instruments of historic, technical, and social importance, in addition to tonal and visual beauty, from accordions to koras to zithers.
Prints and daguerreotypes in the early good reputation for the medium, European and American avant-garde works, and contemporary contributions from around the globe.
Antonio Rotti Textile Center
Tapestries, velvets, carpets, embroideries, laces, samplers, quilts, and woven and printed fabrics all periods and civilizations, dating back 3000 B.C.E.
Dining Options in the Met
Get more information at a summary of dining venues.
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50 THINGS TO DO IN NEW YORK CITY | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Anouk Nijssen: That guy at i need money for weed! I lost it! �� awesome vid btw!
Samuel and Audrey – Travel and Food Videos: +Anouk Nijssen Thank you!
Mike Wazowski: TIPS FOR PPL GOING TO NYC\n-Don't stand in the middle of the sidewalks \n-Don't take a taxi in Manhattan or a yellow taxi (THEY CHARGE YOU A LOT!)\n-Explore more than just Manhattan\n-Do NOT go to central park at night\n-Don't take the 1 train to the Bronx unless you wana get mugged\n-Stay away from the Monks in Times Square they will try to give you something and then fool you and make you pay them\n-Don't stare at people on the train\n-If you wana see street performers, go to 42nd st train stations or 34th st D train station\n-Bryant Park is lame\n-14th st where the 4 train station is, is where the party is at \n-Don't take pictures with the Elmo's and minions in times square they will charge u for a picture \n-We NY people aren't rude we're just in a rush!\n-For the best shakes you will ever taste, Visit BLACKTAP NYC\n-Chinatown is a shit town visit at your own risk\n-Expect to see many homeless people but don't feel bad that you didn't give them money because there are A LOT!\n-Use the Train since its the most cheapest form of transportation (Download an app of the train map)\n-Times Square Dallas BBQ's is one of the worst places to eat, STAY AWAY!\n-SoHo has a lot of clothing stores if you're interested in buying any\n-Don't dress or look too Tourist-ee\n-Visit Times Square only once for one day, its too crowded and there's really amazing nothing there.
Sports Wrestling ?: 171TITO that's citi field
RiceManAlex: 171TITO yeah it really is beautiful I use to live in Brooklyn and queens near citified it's honestly really beautiful it's near a park if you get off the stop in mets willets point or something a long the lines of that
AwesomeBot: 11:13 HELP! I NEED MONEY FOR WEED!
Samuel and Audrey – Travel and Food Videos: Thanks @expatkerri! New York is such a fun city to explore :)
Laiba Ali: +Atsui! aaah wtf is wrong with you? People shouldn't have to do shit for your viewing pleasure. Take your head out of your ass. Fuck off.
Severin Doran: +Laiba Ali little girl.. Nobody likes to see a sweaty busted looking person telling them about NYC on camera.. It's journalism 101. Take yourself off this thread dumb girl and go take some classes ..muah
Thom: 3:36.That man clearly has never had a pizza before.
Joshua Feng: Brooklyn has the best pizza!
Joey Blacky: yea looks hard
Netanya Flores: New York is my cittyyyy and home sweet home�� lucky to be able to live here
LSTrk 23: 11:13 look at the guy with the sign
Cameron Bell: Lol xD
Frida Trolle: I've never understood pretzels. It's just bread.
171TITO: Frida Trolle they're the best…once you brush off all that salt
Esteemed Beans: Pita, tortilla, pretzel, bun, roll….i could go on but you get the point right?….all bread, differently crafted!
Frank Rizzo: I like the organized crime in nyc
Diego Soriano: Don Corleone